Gail Pahwa

 Spring Spirit

Spring Spirit, 20 x 16 Mixed Media

Being born and raised in Winnipeg and the Lake of the Woods area of Ontario has given me a deep appreciation of the wilderness and the fragility of the natural environment. Traveling from coast to coast continues to inspire my art through the enjoyment of the colour and precious beauty of the Canadian landscape. The painting titled ‘Warm Summer’s Eve’ captures only a glimpse of the beauty of Sunset Country in western Ontario. From the majesty of the Rockies to the Laurentians and beyond, there is much that brings joy. Through artistic creation, I hope to share this enjoyment and appreciation with others.

Having drawn and painted from a very early age and throughout a full-time nursing career, my art has developed through continuing study of fine art including Sumi-e brush painting. Depending on the subject and location, a variety of media are used in my work: watercolour, pastels, oil, acrylic and sumi-e ink.

“Little Honu” is an example of my pastel work. This was painted in celebration of the privilege of snorkeling with endangered green sea turtles.

I may be contacted through the Art Guild of Scarborough.

Little Honu

Little Honu, 8 x 10 (framed: 12 x 15) Pastel


Brilliance, 13 x 16 Pastel

Still Life With Orange

Still Life With Orange, 14 x 10 Oil