Geoffrey Keast

Pop Can Plastic Tie

Pop Can Plastic Tie, 24 x 36 Oil on Board

When l was a youngster  l  created “Space Force”, complete with uniforms and all vehicles and spacecraft. This was a decade and more before Star Wars. Upon graduation l won the Art Prize as well as being Valedictorian. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) degree and a Bachelor of Education degree plus a Specialist in Visual Art designation. When teaching l was Head of Visual Art at my high school. l have also dabbled in the art gallery business. I have been drawing forever and now l paint in oils. Future plans include personal shows and online sales.

Phone: 647-838-4092


Gossip, 24 x 36 Oil on Board

Montmorency Falls

Montmorency Falls, 40 x 60 Oil on Canvas

Rapids 2

Rapids 2, 28 x 40 Oil on Board